

this time last week i had never:

launched myself into a house of complete strangers with complete faith; traveled a foreign metro/tramway alone; eaten ratatouille; HEARD of roanne; eaten ratatouille in roanne; known that "ratatouille" is a common enough word to not be highlighted by spell check; encountered a thirty-something career-minded, family-oriented ARIES woman; encountered such surprise when requesting cream in my coffee; babysat children who have no idea (okay, only SOME idea) what i am saying; spent so much (or any!) time in the presence of people exclusively speaking a language i do not know; felt so adventurous!; felt so inept!; compromised my way of speaking in an attempt to acclimate; felt my grasp of English slipping away due to lack of use (!!!); made an extremely long distance phone call that should have been altogether avoided; drank such good wine; seen mini coca-colas--the european standard--worth only 63 calories each!; drank le pampelmousse rose sirop avec mon eau; eaten so much bread!; and cheese!; dranken espresso with sugar cubes with such stereotypically european people; thought to myself, "this is a good choice."




"sox win 8-7!"
"visa arrives!"

thank god.
i think!