
things i love:

people/places/things/events/relationships that elicit PASSION.

par example, mention john lennon and, in my experience, receive either an expression of deep reverence and a teary eye over his early death or an exasperated gripe that he is way "overhyped." either way, his existence, which ended forty+ years ago, continues to incite passionate feelings. sometimes, he is met with contempt, as when my former roommate once spat, "it's only because everyone has a boner for the beatles," in reference to their constant appearance on top ten, best-of-all-times lists. alternately, there is a facebook group (highly meaningful, i realize) entitled, "everyone should be a little more like john lennon." it has 9,000 members.

Then we have Yoko Ono. I love her because she is Asian and I love all Asians and I wish more than anything to grow up to be one someday. She is also simultaneously revered and hated. Jah, jah she broke up the Beatles, whatever. She now writes shit like this and posts it on the internetz (on a list called "25 things even my best friend didn't know about me until now"):
5. Okay, I must confess. I love wearing high heel shoes. I love wearing silk stockings. I love wearing hot pants. When I arm myself with those three, I feel like a tough girl from the 1930’s. If I didn’t look at myself in the mirror, I might just mistake myself for Rita Heyworth, or Marlene Dietrich. How great is that?! 6. Oh, I forgot to tell you about my ankles, calves and thighs. Well, later."

Which brings me to another one of my great loves: wearing things that are not flattering. I'm all for that. She exhibits it beautifully here. and with such confidence. I appreciate her reverse body dysmorphia and hope to develop the same ailment through osmosis. by purchasing a poster-sized print of this photo. and gazing at it on the daily.

thoughts also associated with this photo:

i want a man some day to have a shirt with my name emblazoned across it. that is love.

copping a feel is totally underrated.

yoko ono is on the gilmore girls soundtrack. so are the shins. i wonder what she thinks of being in such company? that she has better calves?

rompers/big waist-cinching belts/knee high boots for life.

black and white photography. i dig.

"imagine." it's good, okay? i get goosebumps nearly every time i hear it. and i cried really hard at 16 and pregnant earlier. okay?

in conclusion, my to-do list goes something like this:
find something to be passionate about.
move to france.
be happy.
in reverse order.